Google Ads Platform now has Demand Gen with Generative AI + Synth ID

That was fast. I guess it's common to run ads with AI generated images now, if it's become a part of Google Ads Platform. 

"GOOGLE ADS Enhance visual storytelling in Demand Gen with generative AI, 
Apr 16, 2024 New AI-powered creative features are coming to Demand Gen campaigns to help take your visual storytelling to the next level. With generative image tools, you can now create a variety of compelling image assets in just a few steps. 

Of course, you’ll remain in full control to decide which suggested images will be added to your campaigns. Google is committed to upholding our principles for developing generative AI technology responsibly for fairness, privacy and security. On top of making sure advertising content adheres to our long-standing Google Ads policies, we also employ additional technical measures to ensure generative image tools in Google Ads produce novel and unique content. Google AI will never create two identical images. And all images generated by Google Ads include mechanisms that allow them to be identified as generated, such as an open-standard markup that will surface on tools like Google Image Search, as well as a SynthID, which is an imperceptible, digital watermark that is resistant to manipulations of the image, such as screenshots, filters, and compression. Read more about eligibility and safety principles for generated images in Google Ads on our support page." (Source:

(Source: Creative Excellence Guide for Demand Gen Campaigns A deep dive on building stunning ads that create and convert demand.

"Improve with AI-powered Search
Your guide to responsive search ads

Responsive search ads let you create ads that adapt to show more relevant messages to your customers. Enter multiple headlines and descriptions when creating a responsive search ad, and over time, Google Ads tests different combinations and learns which combinations perform best. With the feedback provided from the Ad Strength feature, you can refine your headlines and descriptions so ads resonate even better with your customers.

In this article, you’ll learn how to find resources that can help you set up, edit, and optimize your responsive search ads to ensure the best results for your campaign." (Source:

Interesting how AI generative patterns are evolving so fast.

I was wondering if they rolled in the automatically adaptive AI ads that start with a/b, then the AI regenerates new ads based on which of the two perform better. 

Google has responsive search ads that are similar. Likely they also have automatically responsive generative image ads coming.

Adobe Experience Cloud has AI Image Generation and AI Assistant (

Meta has gen AI images for ads as well. "Meta’s AI tools for advertisers can now create full new images, not just new backgrounds"

"A suite of AI tools that automatically finds potential customers and tests which ads will perform best is earning $10 billion on an annualized basis, Meta..."

What's Next?

There will likely be pressure on companies to keep costs down while increasing customer reach and loyalty. AI can be used for both personalization and generating content. But, there might be concerns about AI-generated content being fake. Authenticity is another important trend. Social commerce is expected to grow significantly, and influencers will continue to be important for marketing.

And, next is SORA level AI fidelity (  

I think it's also interesting that we will likely also see more people making all sorts of new things that they couldn't have created without the help of AI.