Singularity Summit 12 (as seen by Gemini and GPT 4 Vision)

This just fell out of one of my books. I remember going to the Singularity Summit in 2012. Peter Norvig showed examples of how Google could study images from YouTube. It learned there’s a thing called a cat, and it could output a grainy image of a cat. I was fascinated, but didn’t really have a frame of reference in 2012 to really know exactly what to do with that knowledge.

Looking back, after seeing this presentation I could have created futurist visualizations to show in high fidelity what’s to come with AI imagery.

I could have created that visualization back then, but I was focused on research for a book.

At least now I can create that futurist visualization…


Describe the event.



The Singularity Summit 2012 was a conference focused on cutting-edge technologies with the potential to fundamentally change humanity. Here's a breakdown of what we know about the event:

Dates & Location:Held on October 13th and 14th, 2012[Wikipedia entry on Singularity Summit]

Took place at the Nob Hill Masonic Center in San Francisco, California [Wikipedia entry on Singularity Summit]


The summit addressed advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, regenerative medicine, and more [Vimeo Singularity Summit channel]

A core theme was the technological singularity, a hypothetical moment when AI surpasses human intelligence [Machine Intelligence Research Institute Singularity Summit Page]


Likely included researchers, developers, futurists, and enthusiasts interested in the potential of these technologies


The Singularity Summit featured prominent figures in the fields mentioned above. Some confirmed speakers include:

Ray Kurzweil: 

Futurist and author known for his ideas on the technological singularity [Machine Intelligence Research Institute Singularity Summit Page]

Steven Pinker: 

Temple Grandin: 

Renowned scientist and advocate for autistic people [Machine Intelligence Research Institute Singularity Summit Page]

Peter Norvig: 

Director of Research at Google at the time (known for his presentation on handling massive data) [video of Peter Norvig at Singularity Summit 2012]

Daniel Kahneman: 

Nobel Prize-winning economist and psychologist [Machine Intelligence Research Institute Singularity Summit Page]

Additional Information:

The Singularity Summit was originally organized by the Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI) [Wikipedia entry on Singularity Summit]

In December 2012, Singularity University acquired the Singularity Summit [Singularity University press release]

If you're interested in learning more about specific aspects of the event, like Dr. Norvig's presentation or the technological singularity itself, feel free to ask!

Peter Norvig at Singularity Summit 2012 - Channeling the Flood of Data from MIRI on Vimeo.


GPT Vision...


Describe the event.



The "Singularity Summit 12" appears to be a conference focused on future-oriented topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Rationality, Genetics, and Cognitive Technology. This kind of summit likely brings together experts, researchers, and enthusiasts to discuss the implications and advancements in these fields. Given the emphasis on "Singularity," the event may explore themes related to the technological singularity, a hypothetical point where technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable changes to human civilization. The summit's location at the Masonic Center in San Francisco suggests it's a significant event, possibly featuring keynote speeches, panel discussions, and networking opportunities for professionals interested in the impact of advanced technologies on society and individual fields.

