Interesting: Google no longer developing Material Web Components

Interesting Article: Google no longer developing Material Web Components

MWC is in maintenance mode #5642
asyncLiz announced in Announcements

Hi everyone, we have an important update for the community.

Material Design is focusing on support for Google's large-scale internal Wiz framework, and has reassigned the engineers working on Material Web Components. This places MWC into maintenance mode.

MWC is not deprecated or going away, but Material Design is no longer actively staffing its development.

What does this mean? New features and components are no longer planned.
GitHub PRs will not be accepted by default. Small PRs may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Ongoing support will require volunteer time from the team.

We are investigating ways to continue development of new features and components, including identifying new maintainers. We'll post updates here as we learn more.

Thank you,

Elizabeth, on behalf of the Material Web team