Unbundle and Benchmark

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Theres stuff I've learned in helping to design and create new tech tools - which is something I’ve done many times.

How to make a new thing.

You don't need to just wing it. You aren't just winging it. 

You are following and using schema. 

Leverage them. Map to them. Then apply benchmarks for related areas functionalities. Then you iterate, test and educate.

And, if you are really making something new, you unbundle.

What I mean by unbundle is: forget how all the tools you use work. Focus on what they enable a person to do. Then the benchmarks are clear.

Make the tool cognitively flow with the creators flow.

Unbundle the format from the output.

Unbundle the tool from the task.

What will people still want to do even if there were no technology? 

They would still want to communicate as much and as clearly and vividly as possible.

Remove the barriers to that process and plus their ability. Remove the abstraction layer as much as possible.

There’s always hierarchies and decision trees that follow in iteration toward the goal, but there’s definitely right-answer paths on how to get there.

To give a hierarchy example: touch gesture creation, where a person directly touches a screen, is closer to direct innate ability human creation form than using a mouse. 

Then a design decision tree follows, and you iterate toward the goal.

I could write a book about this, there’s so much more to say. Just wanted to capture this idea for your inspiration, in case you find it useful. 

I’m surprised how often this idea has been relevant.